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  • Writer's pictureVjeko Skarica

The Hidden Perks of Corporate Performance Management

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

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Discover the transformational benefits of Corporate Performance Management (CPM) software with our deep dive into how it revolutionizes decision-making, planning, and financial control in modern businesses. Learn how robust CPM tools, such as Farseer, amplify these advantages, streamlining processes and driving strategic success. Whether you are aiming for better collaboration, insightful analysis, or continuous financial improvement, explore how CPM software is the game-changing asset your business needs.

1. What on Earth is Corporate Performance Management (And Why Should You Give a Damn)?

Every leader seeks the secret sauce to drive their organization ahead of the pack. The answer to that might be simpler than you think: Corporate Performance Management (CPM). But what on Earth is CPM, and why should it make it onto your radar?

Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is both a conceptual framework and a practical approach. At its core, it involves setting clear business objectives, measuring performance against them, and then tweaking strategies to keep the business on the right track.

As you delve into this realm, you might stumble upon various terms that seem to dance around the same maypole. Terms like Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A), and sometimes Business Performance Management (BPM) are often thrown into the mix. Let’s demystify this:

  • Corporate Performance Management (CPM) and Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the methodologies, metrics, processes, and systems used to monitor and manage an organization’s business performance. The subtle difference? CPM might be viewed with a lens zoomed in on financial activities, while EPM takes a step back, encapsulating a broader spectrum of organizational performance.

  • Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A), on the other hand, is a subset of CPM/EPM. It zeroes in on budgeting, forecasting, and analyzing financial data to support corporate strategy. While CPM/EPM provides a broad framework and tools for performance management, FP&A digs into the financial nitty-gritty that fuels strategic decisions.

  • Business Performance Management (BPM) is another term that often lurks around. It’s akin to CPM/EPM but may encompass a wider range of business activities beyond the financial sphere.

CPM Terminology Explained
CPM-related terminology explained

Now, why should you give a damn? Running a business without CPM can be like steering a ship in stormy waters without a compass. With markets constantly shifting and competition tightening its grip, having a clear vision and real-time insights into how your company is performing can mean the difference between soaring profits and sinking into oblivion.

Technology has supercharged CPM, making it more accessible and potent. The advent of SaaS platforms has ushered in a new era where real-time corporate performance analysis is not just a luxury for the big players, but a game-changer for businesses of all sizes.

In the following chapters, we will cover the main benefits CPM unlocks for businesses, not only as a framework but through the use of dedicated CPM software tools.

2. Decision-Making on Steroids: The CPM Advantage

Besides being a fancy acronym, Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is a game-changer in how decisions are made within an organization. Let us dive deeper into how exactly CPM tools transform the decision-making process:

  • Real-Time Data Accessibility: With CPM, decision-makers have immediate access to real-time data, enabling quick responses to opportunities or threats.

  • Centralized Data Repository: CPM systems create a centralized hub of data, eliminating the need to gather data from multiple sources. This way, decisions are based on consistent, reliable data coming from the same source.

  • Predictive Analytics and Forecasting: CPM tools with predictive analytics provide foresight into future outcomes, supporting better planning and proactive decision-making.

  • Holistic View of Performance: CPM provides a comprehensive view of organizational performance, ensuring decisions consider cross-functional impacts.

  • Scenario Analysis: CPM tools include scenario analysis features, enabling the modeling of different scenarios before making crucial decisions.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: CPM fosters collaboration among departments by centralizing data and performance insights.

  • Automated Reporting and Analysis: Automated reporting saves time and reduces errors, providing accurate, up-to-date information for decision-making.

  • Customizable Dashboards: CPM software offers customizable dashboards for a clearer visual representation of relevant performance metrics.

  • Compliance and Risk Management: CPM aids in compliance and risk management by providing an audit trail and real-time insight into performance metrics.

CPM revolutionizes decision-making, injecting precision, foresight, and cohesiveness into the modern business arena.

3. Tracking Performance: A Walk in The Park or A Sprint in Quicksand?

In the pre-CPM era, tracking company performance felt like a strenuous sprint in quicksand—slow, draining, filled with manual data collection, spreadsheet errors, and delayed reporting. The advent of Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools has transformed this sprint into a serene walk in the park.

As mentioned before, CPM tools automate data collection and aggregation, replacing tedious manual chores with streamlined processes that ensure timely and accurate data aggregation. Customizable dashboards and visualization features transform raw data into insights, making the comprehension of performance metrics both engaging and straightforward.

Moreover, the drill-down and drill-through capabilities of CPM tools provide a granular view of data, illuminating the narrative behind the numbers. Automated alerts and notifications about critical metrics ensure nothing slips through the cracks, keeping you ahead of the curve.

4. Accountability: The Silent Performance Booster

Accountability is the cornerstone of excellence, and Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools are catalysts in fostering it. With CPM, performance metrics become clear, accessible, and aligned with organizational goals, putting everyone on the same page.

The real-time performance monitoring feature of CPM is a game-changer. It makes performance metrics visible to all relevant stakeholders, instilling a drive among teams and individuals to meet or exceed those metrics. This transparency creates a culture where progress is visible, promoting accountability.

CPM tools simplify goal-setting and tracking, providing a structured framework that aligns individual and team goals with organizational strategy. This clear alignment cultivates a sense of responsibility among employees.

Furthermore, the precise data provided by CPM enables accurate, timely feedback from managers, which is essential for continuous improvement and accountability.

5. Goal Alignment: The Unsung Hero of Organizational Success

A seamless alignment of goals across all echelons of an organization is often left aside, but it can be the driver behind many success stories. This alignment is the glue that binds individual efforts to the larger organizational objectives. Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools play a pivotal role in orchestrating this alignment.

CPM tools help in clear communication of goals so everyone knows what’s expected. They allow for real-time tracking of progress towards goals, making adjustments easy when needed. This way, goals across different departments are harmonized, avoiding data and communication silos. Regular discussions based on accurate data keep everyone aligned and informed. With useful data, leaders can make better decisions to keep the organization on track.

6. Performance Analysis: Your New Crystal Ball

Performance analysis is about harnessing the power of data to make informed decisions. Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools are your allies in this endeavor, providing a lens to analyze past performance, understand present conditions, and forecast future trends.

With CPM tools, you have the capability to delve into historical data to avoid past mistakes, keep a real-time check on ongoing operations, anticipate future trends, see how you stack up against industry benchmarks, transform complex data into clear visuals, create customized reports for better communication, and make well-informed, data-driven decisions. Here’s how:

  1. Analyze and Monitor Performance: Use CPM tools to explore historical data, spot trends, avoid past mistakes, and track key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time to address issues promptly.

  2. Forecast Future Trends: Leverage predictive analytics to anticipate future performance, preparing for upcoming challenges and opportunities.

  3. Compare with Industry Benchmarks: Know where you stand by comparing your performance against industry standards or competitors, and identify areas for improvement.

  4. Visualize Performance Data: Transform complex data into clear visuals to better understand performance metrics and make informed decisions.

  5. Tailor Reports to Stakeholder Needs: Create customized reports to meet the unique information needs of different stakeholders, facilitating better communication and understanding.

  6. Support Data-Driven Decisions: Utilize the wealth of data and analytical insights provided by CPM tools to make well-informed, data-driven decisions.

Each of these actions empowers you to have a clear understanding of your organization's performance from multiple angles, thus enabling a well-rounded approach to steering your organization toward its goals.

7. Continuous Improvement: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Standing still often means falling behind. Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools are your allies in the ongoing quest for improvement.

Let’s say you identified that the budgeting process in your company takes too long and often leads to outdated or incorrect allocations by the time it's finalized.

CPM tools help discover areas needing a tune-up, whether it's a process or a performance metric. They allow for setting realistic improvement targets, such as reducing the budgeting cycle time by 20% over the next fiscal year and making the path clear and achievable.

With CPM tools, monitoring the progress of these initiatives is straightforward. You can easily track the reduction in cycle time as actions are taken, like implementing rolling forecasts or employing a zero-based budgeting approach. Adjusting strategies on the go becomes a norm, not an exception. If, halfway through the year, the cycle time has only decreased by 10%, strategies can be tweaked to ensure the goal is met.

One more important aspect of using CPM tools is developing a culture of celebrating small wins and learning from missteps. When the budgeting cycle time decreases by 15%, for example, the team can obviously see improvement, which can do wonders for morale. Similarly, if a strategy doesn’t yield the expected acceleration, analyzing the data through CPM tools can provide insights into what went wrong, turning it into a learning opportunity.

CPM tools also help create an environment where team feedback leads to real improvements. For instance, if team members suggest a new budgeting tool or a change in process that could further decrease cycle time, this feedback can be evaluated and acted upon immediately. Plus, they make it easy to fix process issues daily, like identifying a bottleneck in the approval process that, once removed, further speeds up the budgeting cycle, helping things run more smoothly.

8. System Integration: The Silent Conductor of Your Business Orchestra

For everything to run smoothly in your business, all departments working together need to share information and work together well. This is where Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools come in – they help tie everything together, acting like a silent conductor in an orchestra.

CPM tools help pull together data from different parts of the company, creating a clear overall picture which is crucial for making smart decisions. When these tools connect different systems, information flows easily between teams, improving communication and teamwork. They also move data around automatically, which saves time and cuts down on mistakes that can happen when things are done manually.

The benefits of CPM system integration
The benefits of CPM system integration

By connecting systems, CPM tools provide instant updates on important matters, helping spot and fix issues quickly. This also helps streamline processes, making things run faster and smoother as different systems can "talk" to each other. They also make it easier to meet legal requirements and create reports by organizing data automatically, which in turn, saves money.

9. Saving Bucks and Hitting Jackpots: The Financial Upside of CPM

Investing in Corporate Performance Management (CPM) tools is not just about keeping up with digital advancements; it's about saving money and improving financial outcomes. These tools offer a range of benefits that have a direct positive impact on a company's finances:

  • As mentioned before, CPM tools lead to cost reduction by automating manual tasks, saving both time and reducing error possibilities.

  • Clear insights into performance metrics from CPM tools can unlock enhanced revenue, identifying areas for improvement.

  • Accurate budgets and forecasts lead to improved budget management and efficient resource allocation.

  • Real-time data and predictive analytics from CPM tools act as a shield, reducing financial risks and potentially saving the company from hefty losses.

  • Effective monitoring of cash flows results in better cash flow management and financial stability.

  • The journey with CPM tools culminates in a higher Return on Investment (ROI) over time, showcasing their financially rewarding nature.

10. How Farseer CPM Tools can help?

Farseer is your go-to software for Corporate Performance Management (CPM), offering powerful analytics and visualization tools that improve strategic planning, decision-making, and strategy alignment in your organization. Here's how it boosts your business:

  1. Manual task Automation: Cut down manual work by 90% with Farseer, freeing up time for strategy.

  2. Centralized process management: Easily collect data, assign tasks, control data access, and automate reminders

  3. Live Reporting: Get real-time reports easily with updated data.

  4. Smart AI Forecasting: Use past data for accurate financial forecasts.

  5. Quick Sales Plans: Create detailed sales plans with a single click.

  6. What-If Analysis: Test potential scenarios and measure their impact before deciding.

  7. All-in-One Screen: Adjust numbers and see the instant impact on P&L with all planning data accessible on one screen for smarter and more precise planning.

  8. Scenario Testing: Test various business cases quickly and easily.

  9. Easy Annual Planning: Set yearly targets, budgets, and forecasts in minutes.

  10. Budget and Cash Control: Manage spending and cash flow confidently.

  11. One-Stop Financial Planning: Handle sales, expenses, workforce, assets, and cash planning in one place.

11. Final Thoughts and Takeaways on CPM Software

Incorporating CPM software is more than just a modernization move; it's about empowering your organization with the right tools to excel in financial management and strategic planning. The competitive edge that CPM solutions like Farseer provide is invaluable in the current fast-paced business environment. By simplifying complex processes, facilitating insightful analysis, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement, CPM software is an investment that pays dividends in the long run.

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